Friday, April 27, 2012

Mariner's Compass on the Design Wall

So, I'm still working on finishing up long arming some customer quilts so I can get a little in front and get a few of my own quilts going on the machine!  These Quilt Smart products are keeping me entertained at the moment!  They are so fast and fun to make!  Seriously!  This Mariner's Compass was planned in my mind when Ayumi contacted me to let me know that she was able to get some of the Suzuko Koseki Floor Plans that I have wanted for so long!  Ayumi is so helpful in locating special fabrics for fellow fabric addicts!  So, the fabric selection for this quilt started out with the brown Floor Plans and worked itself out from there.  I will use brown posies as my background fabric.  I'm still not sure whether I will make this a twin size or queen--more than likely a twin size so it can be for one of the boys...  I want to make another one already!!


Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Wow I love your fabric choices for the mariners compass. The text prints give it a great visual texture. I can see why you were searching for the floorplan fabric, its fabulous :o)

Katy Cameron said...

Oooh, how fab! How big is that one compass?

Anne said...

Oh wow, that's just lovely!

Annie said...

The fabrics are so perfect for this design! It looks fabulous!

Danielle said...

Wow! It looks amazing! Love your fabric choices!

Sara said...

How terrific is that!

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